Children of the Light

Children of the Light

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?  It’s about being afraid to confront the demons within my own self. So many people think it’s the wars and the social ills of society that need our attention. But until we recognize what is within us bringing...
I Feel You

I Feel You

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?  You came again today. Your Presence is so subtle and yet so powerful. I never “see you” as much as I feel You. You take over my entire body and pull me up into breathlessness. It’s like a string were attached to my...
Karma and Grace are All There Is

Karma and Grace are All There Is

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?  “You are back on your beloved coastline. That is good for you. You should make a point to sit by the ocean at least once each week as your friend Chidambar has done for years. Your head is clearer at the ocean’s...
Sometimes Awe is OK

Sometimes Awe is OK

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?  “It’s all about humility. As long as you remain humble, you can shine all you can. If you don’t get a big head about it, then those in your presence will just be blessed more by what’s coming from Master. No need to...