Dear Divine Ma,

What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? 

“It’s your body. Your body is the vessel of your Spirit. If you want to keep being able to make progress in the spiritual realm, then you do need to “keep the body fit for Self-realization,” as your Master, Yogananda used to say. He was, of course, right. Dead right. Meaning if you don’t do as he says, your body will not stay alive to be able to see God. So, do get out and exercise more. That’s the only way to keep it going, so that you can keep reaching to have more and more experience of the Divine. You can’t get to the Divine without a vehicle. That’s all the body is. But on the other hand, that vehicle is crucial for this journey you are on. Take care of the vehicle and it will take care of you. God will supply all your true needs, but only if you can keep showing up to refine your experiences of His presence. Be there. You can’t show up without the means to get there. You change the oil and tune up your car! Why should you do any less with this body machine that serves to get you to your sadhana every day. Is that not just as important?”