Judge the Tree by its Fruits

Judge the Tree by its Fruits

Dear Divine Ma,  What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? How do I teach others about listening to inner guidance so they believe me—actually, so they believe their own Higher Self? People are always so skeptical at the beginning. They don’t trust that what they’re writing...
Balance Heart and Mind

Balance Heart and Mind

Dear Divine Ma,  What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It’s time for you to use your mind in a more reasoning way. I know you might lean in the opposite direction from that advice, because you think you’re a heart person, a bhakti. But each of us must be a balance of...
They Are All My Children

They Are All My Children

Dear Divine Ma,  What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Today it’s about respect. No matter what a person says, or thinks, or believes, it behooves you to take each of God’s children seriously. Remember the answer our dear Swamiji received when he complained a bit to...
Winning God’s Love

Winning God’s Love

Dear Divine Ma,  What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It’s about staying power. About consistency. You need to show up regularly, for long enough to make sure your time in sadhana has a proper chance to touch the Divine Presence. If you don’t show up regularly every...
Do What You’ve Learned

Do What You’ve Learned

Dear Divine Ma,  What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? Energy is the prime prerequisite for an amazing experience, isn’t it? Once energy drops, it’s very difficult to keep good things happening. That’s why energization exercises are so central to Master’s path. Without...