Stilling the Restless Heart

Stilling the Restless Heart

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?“Here’s a chance for you to stay still and go deep. You are so restless so much of the time. Just as James read aloud from Yogananda’s Whispers from Eternity, will your restless breath and rajasic nerves shoo the...
Mind Just Gets in the Way

Mind Just Gets in the Way

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “How committed are you going to stay today? Do you really WANT to achieve Christ consciousness?” I’m still a bit fuzzy about exactly what that is. It’s difficult to have a goal that is not yet absolutely clear in...
A Most Powerful Force

A Most Powerful Force

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? Was what Catherine Emmerich said about your Annunciation really the way it happened?  “Yes, just as she described it. That’s what the angel Gabriel did to me, and what I actually said back to Him. What happened...
Readying a Vessel for God

Readying a Vessel for God

Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? What is that feeling that happens during purification, and recently also at the end of my best meditations? “It is you being drawn with the raising kundalini energy up toward the One, the Holy Lord of our...