Experience the Divine Until It Shines

Experience the Divine Until It Shines

What do You want me to learn today? “It’s time to get serious about tackling that habit of yours. Everything you do is infused with that mind set. If you don’t get it right before long, it has the power to pull you all the way down to the bottom of the deepest pit....
There is Further to Go

There is Further to Go

What do You want me to learn today? “Why are you so resistant of doing what you should do?” Well, I feel perfectly fine about the progress that I’m making with my spiritual efforts.  “Have you found God yet?”  Well, I often feel the Light, the Sound, the...
The Pushed Pendulum Always Returns

The Pushed Pendulum Always Returns

What do You want me to learn today? “Whatever you want in life will come to you, eventually. God or bad, desire are magnets. They stick to you, whether you really want them to or not. What you want powerfully enough, is bound to you, is bound to find its way back to...
Having Your Cake and Eating It, Too

Having Your Cake and Eating It, Too

What do You want me to learn today? “Its time to learn humility, to understand that I can only claim credit for how much closer I am to dharma, and never for any accomplishments that come through me. I am what I am. There are so many aspects of my life that are still...
Realize Your Strength Comes from Him

Realize Your Strength Comes from Him

What do You want me to learn today? “It’s time to learn truly to open your heart. Not just to talk about it, but really to do it. What does it take? It takes your complete willingness, your surrender to the thought that God matters, that you in your highest Self are...