The Spiritual Eye is Divine Mother Herself

The Spiritual Eye is Divine Mother Herself

What do You want me to learn today? “Be open to what is trying to happen. It’s no joke that you saw the spiritual eye this morning. You too often take such things for granted, but it’s a big deal. Divine Mother Herself is trying to break through to you—to help you to...
Blind Eyes, See the Ma

Blind Eyes, See the Ma

What do You want me to learn today? “It’s all about opening the heart. When your heart is open, you will see the Christ Presence within each one you encounter. Their Christhood is ever shining before you. It is you who are blind to its omnipresence all around you. You...
Unworthy to Be Talking to God

Unworthy to Be Talking to God

What do You want me to learn today? It so important to be open to Your guidance, and yet I so seldom take, and use, Your guidance after You have given it to me. Why is that?  “Yes, why? I too have often wondered—grieved, really—that you seemed almost embarrassed...