Dear Divine Ma,
What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?
“Today is time for understanding and forgiveness. You need to see the current acts of others as the work of unfinished humans. People who want very much to have evolved as far as they could but haven’t completely finished the process. Sound familiar? Of course. It’s just like you. All humans on this planet are ‘a work in progress.’ Anything else and they ‘would have been adorning some other planet,’ as Swami Sri Yukteswar told you all. None of us is a finished product because each of you has a lesson or two still to learn. There is no shame in that. It’s just ‘the way of perfection.’ Each must go through those experiences from which the lessons they need will come. There is no better or worse. There is only natural spiritual evolution. Forgive people for being merely human. In time they too—just like you—will become divine. Be patient with them. It takes time!”