What do You want me to learn today?
“It’s time to learn truly to open your heart. Not just to talk about it, but really to do it. What does it take? It takes your complete willingness, your surrender to the thought that God matters, that you in your highest Self are identified with—are one with—the Divine Source. Until you finally know that He is all that you are, until you acknowledge that He is your essential reality, there is little of your heart that will actually open to Him. So long as you think that you are your reality, there is a wall keeping Him at bay. It takes complete and final surrender of your ego, of your likes and dislikes, of your ideas of who and what you are. Until then, He will wait. Only when you realize, like that little bird in Ananda’s Festival of Light, that your strength comes from Him, will you finally open your heart without reservation. Then, and only then, will you be His–One with All that Is.”