Dear Divine Ma,

What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?

“Today’s lesson is realizing with every bone of your body that God is at the center of everything that happens in your life—the good and the challenging. To think that I am not in the center of it all is to lose faith in the omnipresence of God. If God is not omnipresent, then we really are in trouble! Because that means there are things taking place in various places around this planet, this universe, that are outside of God’s will. If so, then the universe is a very unreliable place, where dharma does not reign. But our guru declares otherwise. Dharma rules. All things that happen are for a reason. There is nothing that happens that is outside God’s will. Because He really is at the center of all that is. To lose sight of that truth is to be stuck with a world of chaos and mere chance—that there is no goal or purpose to life. But the guru reminds us that the purpose of life is to find God. Thank God!”