Dear Divine Ma,
What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?
I need to learn to re-emphasize my sadhana again. Here an entire year has gone by in lockdown, and I used so little of it for my own personal sadhana. Yes, I’ve kept swimming and walking. But have I kept being open inwardly?
“It’s true that during this year you’ve had a heart oblation, had your mother die, and replaced your left hip. Those have, admittedly, been distractions. But the question remains: What have you done to love God? You led meditations, but you did those for others as much as you did them for Him. What have you done for your spirit? Your efforts on God’s behalf have been paltry during the pandemic. You’ve got to keep showing that you still care.”
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.
I’m having a weird problem I cannot seem to be able to subscribe your rss feed, I’m using google reader by the way.
Hi there. Glad to know you’re following some of these posts. I’m no techie, but the best way I’ve found to subscribe is to go to my and my wife’s website,, click on the Blog tab across the top, then scroll down to the bottom of that page and fill in your info under Receiving Updates before clicking the Subscribe button. The blog comes out every Monday morning. I’d love if you let me know whether this works successfully for you. Biraj
Dear Friend Biraj,
Silly me, I never noticed until today, this spot to comment or “like” 😉
I so appreciate each of these that you write.
Sure some hit home more than others, but always appreciate your openness, and above all, your friendship.
I never noticed your comment, Rita, until this day, a full week later! So sorry to leave you dangling. Some of these blogs hit home for me more than others, too! And as to the openness, I figure at this point in my life, all my friends (and others!) know my faults and weaknesses even better than I know them myself. So what good is it to hide anything? Besides, most of these blogs are what She said to me, so who IS it that’s being open, anyway?