What do You want me to learn today?

It’s been a turbulent few weeks. Death is the theme. Your mother is on hospice now. The nation is on hospice. All of Italy is on hospice. We are surrounded by the scepter of death all around us. Well, that’s a little dramatic so far. We only know one personal acquaintance that has died, and that one all the way over in Italy. But the prospect is coming. Asha spoke of it well. We will all know people who will die. But all people eventually die. As Asha reminded us, each of us dies when its time for our own personal karma to be finished. Old age, youth, middle age. These are not God’s=, or impersonal karma’s concern. Only, did we experience what we came into this incarnation to learn. Each life time is like a school. We attend, we pay attention or we don’t. We either pass on to the next grade, or we repeat the experience again until we learn the lesson needed for our evolution spiritually. The reason for our lives isn’t so we acquire more goodies nor so that we collect more feel-goods. Its to learn what we need until we’re Self-realized.