Dear Divine Ma,
What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?
“Yes, today the goal is open heartedness. You had a grand experiment last night. Two and a half hours of wakefulness in the middle of the night. What were you going to do with it? Well, you discovered a number of fine realizations. One, it is better to give than to receive. You discovered that while cuddling with your partner under those nice warm bed covers, that you could use your waking time to send energy—good vibes—to your beloved. What a concept! And you learned to listen with gratitude to the sounds of the night—the occasional car, the raucous motorcycles, the freight train, the earliest birds in the faintest twilight—and most especially the contented breathing of your beloved. You learned not to be impatient while lying sleepless—that there was plenty to be happy about in your life even amidst this. That all was well, in this very moment. There was nothing that couldn’t be handled in the morning. And that there was no need for anxiety about you not sleeping. You experienced contentment with what is.”