Dear Divine Ma,

What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?

It’s been a long time, Ma, since I’ve talked to you. Why do I leave such gaps between our conversations? 


 Oh, when You are my priority, we talk. When you aren’t my priority, we don’t. That’s pretty simple, and to the point. Why do other things so often take priority over You? 

“Because you are still ‘of’ the world, not only ‘in’ the world. The ego wants to stay involved, with changes and excitement from the outside world happening. When you no longer need the variety of stimuli from the outside to make you happy, that’s when contentment begins to reign. And with true contentment comes the descent of grace. Until then, you satisfy yourself with mere hints of the bliss that yet awaits you. You think you have the pearl of great price, when in actuality, you clutch at mere grains of sand. Why keep stopping when you find mere baubles? Sit in sadhana long enough to claim the prize that is carved with your name on it. It awaits your coming up to the level of consciousness required to perceive it. A treasure is your birthright, yet you content yourself in playthings. Dive deeper!”