But It’s Not What I Want to Do!
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? How much, how often, and how consistently am I willing to surrender my own egoic likes and dislikes—my desires—in favor of Her requests, Her guidance, the intuitions that are put into my consciousness? When I...
What Are We Willing to DO About It?
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?I’m never completely sure who it is that I’m following. What I mean is, what is that Source of knowledge, or dharma—the awareness of right and wrong, of true spiritual living? I’m not sure what the name or gender of...
Loving God
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? I need to learn to re-emphasize my sadhana again. Here an entire year has gone by in lockdown, and I used so little of it for my own personal sadhana. Yes, I’ve kept swimming and walking. But have I kept being open...
The Light Within IS God
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? You came to me again today! “When the ancients looked out for the rising sun it wasn’t to worship the sun itself. No, it was to ready the body and the soul for the rise of the inner sun within ourselves. The...
Accepting People the Way They Are
Dear Divine Ma, What do you want me to learn today? “It’s about compassion. Can you really accept that people are the way they are without judging them? There is nothing of your opinions they need. They need only your love. Help them to feel totally grounded in who...
The Yucky Middle
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Learn to respect those younger than you on the path. You had sincere intense focus on the path your first ten years. Expect that could well be true for those coming up, too. Sure, you hit that patch Asha calls the...