Be a Sharer of Joy Rather than Selfishness
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It’s all about selfishness.” If we are self-involved, others will notice, and shy away from us. “You’ve been experiencing that about others lately—that you shy away naturally from those who are too self-involved....
Do What You Were Taught
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? It’s so good to be exercised. A bit of hatha, a swim, energization—all in the same day. It does help one to feel fully alive! “You used to feel that you had more energy than other people— some might have said almost...
Keep the Fire Burning
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Alertness. It’s so easy to lose your wakefulness during long meditations. I see so many of especially the grey-headed ones losing consciousness during their attempts to go deep in sadhana.” What is it that causes...
Only a Super Effort Can Make You Superconscious
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It’s all about focus. Are you willing to focus your efforts, focus your sadhana, focus your right attitudes and focus yourself at the spiritual eye? Without these, no spiritual practices will be of much avail. A...
It Is All About You
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It’s up to you. Whether you make progress in this upcoming season or not. You can choose to keep making the easy choices, those that do not stretch you spiritually. Or you can make the choices that give you the...
Putting Others’ Needs Ahead of One’s Own
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Timeliness would behoove you nicely. Why is it you always think you need to fit seven things into a space of time when only four will fit? What is it about your idea of wasting time that turns out making everyone...