Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It’s worth thinking about old friendships and what they mean to you. You attended your 50-year high school reunion recently. How do you feel about that?” Well, I was a BMOC in high school. Championship...
What Does it Mean to See God?
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “ It’s about energy in meditation.” What’s going on with the straightening of the spine and the pulling back of the head at the culmination of my meditations? “That’s kundalini rising—that your soul is rising...
Experiencing God’s Light
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? When You come in meditation, am I supposed to experience more than I am presently? I almost never saw the yellow ring with the star in the middle, and seldom hear the Aum distinctly. “But you experience my Light and...
Thinking of Others
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Why do you ignore Me? Why don’t you tune into your guru? Why don’t you ever listen to My voice? Now there are CD’s and MP3’s galore of My messages to you, yet you ignore Me. You have had years to listen, or at least...
Choosing to Go it Alone
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Why do you ignore Me? Why don’t you tune into your guru? Why don’t you ever listen to My voice? Now there are CD’s and MP3’s galore of My messages to you, yet you ignore Me. You have had years to listen, or at...
God Awaits Your Arrival
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Concentration, self-offering, and surrender are the keys. When you can focus without distraction at the point between the eyebrows, looking straight up as if through the ceiling, holding your concentration there...