Follow in the Guru’s Footsteps
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? This very spot on the grounds in Encinitas where I’m writing is where my guru leaned against a palm tree, over 85 years ago. I saw the photograph that proves it. The palm is still here, all these decades later....
Wishing to Feel the Divine More
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? You are everything to me. Sitting on the spot under the old pepper tree at St. Francis Circle of the Encinitas Hermitage, I wish to feel your presence. It’s not always easy to feel you. Yet I believe that you are...
Stringing the Bow
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Today is about devotion. How much do you love God? How much do you love guru? What is it you most love? Beyond your spouse, what is it you adore with all your heart? It is the Light. It is the power and energy that...
It Cares
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? The spiritual eye has been appearing lately as not merely a flat circle but more like a column of Light. That warm, nurturing Light—at times in the past it lengthened into a tunnel that one could move into and...
How Much God Loves You
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Today it would be good for you to work on your humility. No, it’s not a sense of abject self-abnegation. Your dear Swamiji is correct when he said it’s all about merely accepting what is true about yourself. Just...
We Are a Work in Progress
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Today is time for understanding and forgiveness. You need to see the current acts of others as the work of unfinished humans. People who want very much to have evolved as far as they could but haven’t completely...