Our World: Merely Rays of Light
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? The Light that comes from You is You, Lord. And it doesn’t just come from You, it actually comes all the way from You into each one of us. When Master talked about “cognizing the center of the imperium as being a...
Let God be the Doer
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “When you offer a kirtan or a class, don’t worry about how many come, or even ‘if they like it.’ You are not a part of some popularity contest. Same with singing solos. Your task throughout life is to do what is...
Nothing Matters but Following the Light
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It isn’t the position of the head or the neck that matters in sadhana. It’s finding the Light wherever it is and following it with inner sight. We gaze into the Light, whatever form it takes, and wherever it...
Contentment with What Is
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Yes, today the goal is open heartedness. You had a grand experiment last night. Two and a half hours of wakefulness in the middle of the night. What were you going to do with it? Well, you discovered a number...
Reading Beggar’s Energies
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “Today it’s about open heartedness. It’s about whether or not you let other people touch your heart. Can you open yourself to others in need?”I suspect you’re thinking about the beggars I’ve encountered...
Who Is in Charge of Your Life?
Dear Divine Ma, What Do You Want Me to Learn Today? “It’s about loyalty. Individual will vs. loyalty. How often do you go off on your own desires rather than trying to tune in to what your organization’s leaders are teaching? Sure, the organization is...