Dear Divine Ma,
What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?
“I want you to learn about forgiveness. Until you learn to forgive completely, you will still be carrying around unfinished business—unnecessary emotional burdens. That energy with which you hate, or resist, another human being is energy you could be using to find God. Why waste it on anger? It’s burning a hole in your ‘milk pail of peace.’ Wouldn’t you rather be whole rather than be burning a hole? So much energy is wasted—locked up in attachments and aversions—the likes and dislikes of Yoga’s chitta vritti. It’s time to do some ‘nirodha’—some neutralizing of those harmful emotions. Burn them up in the fire of purification, concentration, and devotion. The whole purpose of purification is to make you whole again. Only when we rid ourselves of harmful emotions do we get beyond ego consciousness. Then we’re able to experience purity of soul once again.”