Dear Divine Ma,
What Do You Want Me to Learn Today?
Chanting IS half the battle, Master said. Occasionally, when I finish a chant that I’m playing or even listening to someone’s exquisite recording, I don’t even feel the need or desire to start my normal routine of kriyas. Instead, my heart and breath are already so still that I merely sit in the silence right from the beginning of my sadhana. Any movement, even breathe, could interrupt the vibration of sanctity to which the depth of the chant took me. I want nothing but to continue unabated in that still deep sense of peace. The silence that is so full. The stillness that is palpable. That itself is the state to which we hope the meditation practices will take us. But if we are already there, who needs pranayams? They are but the tools meant to take us to this blissful state. Do nothing to interfere with what already is. This is God’s presence. This silent peace is God in one of His aspects. Divine Mother wants us to revel in her gift of intense calmness—even of power. One feels like one could accomplish anything in that state. God is! But without feeling the need to do anything. Being there, there is no longer a pressing need for getting there!