Heart Calls,
Soul Answers

Communicating with Your Higher Self

by Biraj Wayne Palmer

Heart Calls, Soul Answers gives the reader a guide to daily practice of communicating with one’s Higher Self, or what the author refers to affectionately as the “Divine Mother” within. With the personal revelations you’ll find in these pages, you’ll see how easy it is to safely and successfully access intuitive inner guidance from what Paramhansa Yogananda, Swami Kriyananda, and others have often called “Superconsciousness.” There is nothing secret, or mysterious, about intuition. Intuition is for everyone. It is our birthright. It is up to each person to open up to, and commune with, this Higher Self within.

This book is filled with inner wisdom as well as with quotes from saints and sages of many traditions, East and West. Each page begins with the question, “Dear Divine Ma, What do You want me to learn today?” Through this surrendered question, the author listen’s to the answers that help him grow and learn.

As a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda since 1983, and a meditator for 40 years, Biraj Palmer takes the reader on a journey to share how he was able to grow spiritually from this simple daily communion.

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